HBIF specializes in bilingual business development to Hispanic entrepreneurs.
The Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Florida, Inc. (HBIF) is the leading Hispanic nonprofit economic development organization in Florida specializing in bilingual business development to Hispanic entrepreneurs trying to establish or expand their business.
HBIF specializes in two areas of service:
1. Educational Assistance:
HBIF offers a number of FREE educational programs in Spanish throughout the year:
-Orientation Sessions are designed to provide basic information and resources to help entrepreneurs start a business. Topics include: licenses and permits; state regulations; financing options; and business development services offered by HBIF.
-Hispanic Business Seminar Series offers entrepreneurial training in specific topics that assist entrepreneurs in making critical decisions needed to be successful.
-The Contractor’s Academy is a seven-week program that facilitates the development of successful construction businesses.
2. Business Technical Assistance:
HBIF offers one-on-one analyses to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the entrepreneur and their business. This process provides the entrepreneur with a customized technical assistance service package to address the short- and long-term needs of the existing or prospective business.